Kraft Mac & Cheese | Recipe Reminder Bin

You ever go to make mac & cheese and prematurely throw away the box before reading the instructions, only to go back into the trash to double or perhaps triple check while you prepare it? Yeah, us too. That’s why we made this.

In reaction to this Tik-Tok with over 2 million engagements and counting, it was clear we weren’t the only ones digging through garbage to retrieve cooking instructions.

That’s when we decided to contact @EpitomeOfClassy via letter and gifted her a custom bespoke Reminder Bin to help ensure she never has to dig out a box of Mac & Cheese box again.

Agency: Johannes Leonardo

Alec Milton AD

Brooke Chai CW

Marjorie Vardo ACD

Zack Roif CD

Nathan Frank GCD


Progressive | Baker Mayfield


Oscar Mayer | Scramblers